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I first came to Tibet in 1988, just after I left high school. I fell in love with the place and I still love living here. So after many years of studying at university, where I did my MA in Anthopology and Tibetan Studies and after six years of teaching Anthropology and Tibetan Studies at the Central Asian Department of Humbolt University in Berlin, I am now living in Lhasa / Tibet. 

The purpose of this website is to share some of the beautiful and magnificent remainders of Tibetan culture. However, I won't offer any statues or Thangkas or other important cultural heritage, for I believe they should remain in the monasteries!

I will publish my new findings here irregularly. Please mail me, if you wish to get informed, when I upload new items. 

This is no online shop with shopping cart and click and pay – you'll have to communicate with me personally!



me david holler